One Metric


How to set up Microsoft 365 email on Android

1) Go to Settings.

2) Select Accounts and backup.

3) Select Manage accounts.

4) Select Add account.

5) Select Exchange.

6) Enter your email address and click Next.

7) Select Work or School account and enter your password.

8) Select Accept.

9) Select Done.

10) Open the Gmail app to check your emails.

How to set up Microsoft 365 two-factor authentication (SMS)

1) Open up a web browser and go to

2) Enter your email address and click Next.

3) Enter your password and click Next.

4) Click Next again.

5) Click I want to set up a different method and select Phone.

6) Select Australia from the dropdown list and enter your phone number. Click Next.

7) Enter the verification code and click Next.

8) Two-factor authentication set up is now complete for your account.

Why is two-factor-authentication (2FA) so important?

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication, often abbreviated as 2FA, is a security measure that requires users to provide two separate forms of identification before granting access to a system or account. The three primary authentication factors are:

  1. Something You Know: Typically, a password or PIN.
  2. Something You Have: A physical device or token, like a smartphone or smart card.
  3. Something You Are: A biometric factor, such as fingerprint or facial recognition.

2FA typically involves combining two of these factors to enhance security. For instance, it could be a password (something you know) and a one-time code sent to your smartphone (something you have).

How Does 2FA Work?

When a user attempts to log in with 2FA enabled, they are prompted to provide their regular login credentials, such as a username and password. After successfully entering this information, they must then authenticate themselves through a second method, which is usually a temporary code sent to a registered device, such as a mobile phone. Only when both authentication factors are verified is access granted.

The Vulnerabilities of Single-Factor Authentication

Passwords Alone Are Not Enough

Passwords have been the traditional means of securing online accounts for decades. However, relying solely on passwords is fraught with vulnerabilities:

  • Weak Passwords: Users often choose weak, easily guessable passwords or reuse them across multiple accounts, making it easier for hackers to gain unauthorized access.
  • Password Breaches: Even if users select strong passwords, if a service they use experiences a data breach, their credentials can be compromised.
  • Phishing Attacks: Phishing attacks trick users into revealing their passwords, as attackers pose as trusted entities via emails or websites.
  • Brute Force Attacks: Hackers can systematically guess passwords using automated tools, particularly if there are no account lockout mechanisms in place.

The Importance of Multi-Layered Security

To mitigate these vulnerabilities, businesses need a multi-layered approach to security. This is where 2FA shines, as it adds an additional layer of protection beyond just passwords.

The Business Case for Two-Factor Authentication

Protecting Sensitive Data

One of the most compelling reasons for businesses to implement 2FA is to safeguard sensitive data. In an era where data is often a company’s most valuable asset, protecting it from unauthorized access is paramount. Two-factor authentication ensures that even if a password is compromised, an additional authentication factor is required, making it significantly harder for cybercriminals to access critical information.

Mitigating Unauthorized Access

Unauthorized access to internal systems and networks can lead to a multitude of problems, including data theft, disruption of operations, and financial losses. 2FA acts as a powerful deterrent by making it exceedingly difficult for unauthorized individuals to infiltrate systems, as they would need both the user’s password and access to their secondary authentication method.

Enhancing Customer Trust

For businesses that provide online services or handle customer data, trust is paramount. Implementing 2FA not only protects customer accounts but also demonstrates a commitment to security. This can boost customer confidence, leading to increased loyalty and potentially attracting new customers concerned about their data security.

Regulatory Compliance

Many industries are subject to stringent data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. Implementing 2FA can help businesses demonstrate compliance with these regulations, potentially avoiding costly fines and legal consequences associated with data breaches.

Real-World Examples

The Twitter Hack

In July 2020, a high-profile Twitter hack saw several prominent accounts, including those of Elon Musk and Barack Obama, compromised. The attackers used social engineering tactics to gain access to internal tools and then tweeted cryptocurrency scams. Had 2FA been implemented more robustly, the attackers would have faced an additional hurdle to compromise these accounts.

The Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack

The Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in May 2021 disrupted fuel supply on the East Coast of the United States. The attack was initiated through a compromised VPN password. Implementing 2FA for remote access could have prevented this breach by requiring a second factor, even if the password was stolen.

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication

Choosing the Right 2FA Method

There are various methods to implement 2FA, including:

  • SMS Authentication: A one-time code is sent to the user’s mobile phone.
  • Authentication Apps: Users generate codes through an app like Google Authenticator or Authy.
  • Biometric Authentication: Fingerprint or facial recognition scans.
  • Hardware Tokens: Physical devices generate codes.
  • Email Authentication: A code is sent to the user’s email address.

The choice of method should align with the organization’s security requirements and user convenience.

Employee Training and Adoption

Implementing 2FA is only effective if employees understand its importance and use it correctly. Businesses should invest in training and awareness programs to ensure that all employees are familiar with the 2FA process and its significance in protecting company assets.

Challenges and Considerations

Usability and Convenience

While 2FA significantly enhances security, it can sometimes be viewed as an inconvenience by users. Striking a balance between security and usability is crucial. Businesses should choose 2FA methods that are user-friendly and ensure that employees are educated on its benefits.

Phishing Attacks

While 2FA mitigates many types of attacks, it is not immune to phishing. Attackers can still trick users into providing both authentication factors. Businesses must educate their employees about the dangers of phishing and how to recognize fraudulent attempts.

Costs and Implementation

Implementing 2FA may involve upfront costs for hardware tokens or software solutions. Additionally, integrating 2FA into existing systems and applications can be a complex process. However, the long-term benefits in terms of security and regulatory compliance often outweigh these initial investments.


In an era of relentless cyber threats, two-factor authentication stands as a powerful guardian of business cybersecurity. By requiring multiple forms of authentication, it adds a critical layer of defense against password breaches, unauthorized access, and data theft. As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, the adoption of 2FA should be a priority. It’s not just an option; it’s a necessity for safeguarding valuable assets, maintaining customer trust, and complying with ever-evolving data protection regulations. In the relentless battle against cyber threats, 2FA is a dependable ally that every business should embrace.

What is Managed IT Support

Unlocking Success with Managed IT Support: Exploring Services and Benefits for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

In an era where technology drives business growth and competitiveness, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face a critical need for reliable and efficient IT solutions. This is where Managed IT Support steps in, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower SMBs by handling their IT needs, minimizing downtime, enhancing security, and optimizing operations. In this blog, we will delve into the world of Managed IT Support, its core offerings, and the array of benefits it brings to businesses. Let’s explore how embracing Managed IT Support can lead to increased productivity, reduced costs, and a competitive edge.

Understanding Managed IT Support

Managed IT Support, often referred to as Managed IT Services, is a strategic approach to outsourcing various IT responsibilities to a specialized service provider. The provider takes on the responsibility of managing and monitoring the client’s IT infrastructure, ensuring seamless operations and timely issue resolution. This proactive approach aims to prevent disruptions and optimize technology, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations.

The Core Offerings of Managed IT Support

Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance

Managed IT Support providers utilize advanced monitoring tools to keep a vigilant eye on the client’s IT systems. This enables them to detect and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems. Regular maintenance, updates, and patches are applied to ensure that systems run smoothly and remain secure.

Help Desk Support

Managed IT Support offers a dedicated help desk manned by skilled professionals who provide timely assistance to employees facing IT-related challenges. This immediate support ensures that technical issues are resolved promptly, minimizing downtime and disruptions to productivity.

Network Security and Data Protection

In an age where cyber threats are on the rise, Managed IT Support prioritizes network security. Providers implement robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, and data encryption. Regular security assessments and updates are performed to safeguard sensitive business data.

Data Backup and Recovery

Managed IT Support includes data backup and disaster recovery solutions. Automatic backups are performed regularly, ensuring that critical data is safe from loss due to hardware failures, human errors, or cyberattacks. In the event of data loss, quick recovery procedures are in place to minimize downtime and maintain business continuity.

IT Infrastructure Management

From servers to cloud solutions, Managed IT Support providers manage and optimize the entire IT infrastructure. This includes scaling resources as needed, ensuring high availability, and optimizing performance for various business applications.

Strategic IT Planning

Managed IT Support isn’t just about fixing issues; it’s also about long-term planning. Providers work closely with clients to develop IT strategies that align with their business goals. This involves technology upgrades, implementation of new solutions, and staying ahead of emerging trends.

Benefits of Managed IT Support


Managed IT Support follows a subscription-based model, allowing SMBs to pay for only the services they need. This eliminates the need for large upfront investments in IT infrastructure and personnel. Additionally, the proactive approach to maintenance and issue resolution reduces the costs associated with unexpected downtime.

Enhanced Productivity

By entrusting IT management to experts, SMBs can focus on their core competencies without being burdened by technical challenges. The immediate help desk support ensures that employees can swiftly overcome IT obstacles, leading to uninterrupted workflow and increased productivity.

24/7 Monitoring and Support

Managed IT Support providers offer round-the-clock monitoring and support, even outside regular business hours. This ensures that IT issues are addressed promptly, reducing the risk of prolonged disruptions that could impact business operations.

Heightened Security

Cybersecurity threats are a major concern for businesses of all sizes. Managed IT Support includes robust security measures that safeguard sensitive data from breaches and attacks. Regular updates and proactive monitoring ensure that the latest security protocols are in place.

Access to Expertise

SMBs often lack the resources to hire a full team of IT experts. Managed IT Support grants access to a team of skilled professionals with diverse expertise. This expertise extends from routine maintenance to handling complex technological challenges.


As businesses grow, their IT needs evolve as well. Managed IT Support offers scalability, allowing SMBs to easily adjust their service plans to accommodate changing requirements. Whether it’s adding more devices or expanding to new locations, the support provider can seamlessly adapt.

Strategic Planning and Innovation

Managed IT Support is not just about managing existing systems; it also involves strategic planning for the future. Providers collaborate with clients to identify opportunities for technology-driven innovation that can give businesses a competitive edge.

In the fast-paced world of SMBs, Managed IT Support emerges as a beacon of reliability, security, and efficiency. By outsourcing IT management, businesses can harness the power of advanced technology without being weighed down by its complexities. With proactive monitoring, immediate support, robust security, and strategic planning, Managed IT Support becomes a catalyst for growth, enabling SMBs to stay ahead of the curve, focus on their strengths, and drive success in today’s digital landscape. Embracing Managed IT Support isn’t just a decision; it’s a strategic investment in a brighter, technologically empowered future.

The Importance of Proactive Maintenance

Proactive maintenance, often referred to as preventive maintenance, is a proactive approach aimed at identifying and addressing potential IT issues before they escalate into major problems. Unlike reactive maintenance, where IT problems are addressed only after they cause disruptions, proactive maintenance takes a preemptive stance to ensure that systems, networks, and devices are consistently optimized and secure.

  1. Reduced Downtime, Increased Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of proactive maintenance is its ability to drastically reduce downtime. Unplanned downtime can cost businesses thousands of dollars in lost productivity, missed opportunities, and customer dissatisfaction. By regularly monitoring and maintaining IT systems, potential bottlenecks, hardware failures, and software glitches can be detected and addressed before they lead to disruptions. This not only saves valuable time but also ensures that employees can work without interruptions, boosting overall efficiency.

  1. Enhanced Proactivity and Agility

Proactive maintenance instills a sense of proactivity within the organization. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, businesses can take control of their IT infrastructure by actively monitoring, analyzing, and addressing potential issues. This agility allows them to adapt swiftly to changes in technology and market demands, positioning them ahead of competitors who might be struggling with reactive approaches. Proactivity enables SMBs to anticipate and prevent IT-related hurdles, ensuring smoother operations and improved customer experiences.

  1. Improved Security and Data Protection

The rising frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks pose a significant threat to businesses of all sizes. Proactive maintenance plays a crucial role in bolstering cybersecurity defenses. Regularly updating software, installing patches, and monitoring network traffic can help identify vulnerabilities before they’re exploited by malicious actors. By staying ahead of potential security breaches, businesses can protect sensitive customer data, maintain their reputation, and avoid costly legal and financial repercussions.

  1. Long-Term Cost Savings

While it might seem that reactive maintenance is more cost-effective due to its “fix-as-needed” nature, the reality is quite different. Addressing IT issues after they’ve escalated often involves emergency fixes, which can be significantly more expensive than planned preventive actions. Proactive maintenance, on the other hand, involves scheduled updates, patches, and hardware replacements, spreading out the costs and avoiding large, unforeseen expenses. Moreover, the reduction in downtime and increased efficiency leads to higher productivity and revenue generation.

  1. Extended Lifespan of IT Assets

IT assets, whether hardware or software, are substantial investments for SMBs. Regular maintenance ensures that these assets are optimized for performance, increasing their lifespan and ROI. Proactively monitoring hardware for signs of wear and tear allows businesses to replace components before they fail completely. Similarly, updating and patching software on time keeps it compatible with the latest technologies and security protocols, avoiding compatibility issues and vulnerabilities.

  1. Streamlined IT Operations

Proactive maintenance enables SMBs to manage their IT operations more effectively. By having a well-defined maintenance schedule and regular monitoring in place, businesses can avoid the chaos that can arise from sudden IT failures. This leads to better resource allocation, reduced stress on IT teams, and an overall smoother operational workflow. With streamlined IT operations, employees can focus on their core responsibilities instead of dealing with constant IT disruptions.

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making

Proactive maintenance is rooted in data analysis. By continuously monitoring system performance, IT teams can gather valuable insights into usage patterns, potential bottlenecks, and areas that need improvement. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions about infrastructure upgrades, technology investments, and process optimizations. As a result, SMBs can align their IT strategy with their business goals, driving growth and innovation.


In the digital age, the role of proactive IT maintenance in the success of small and medium-sized businesses cannot be underestimated. By minimizing downtime, enhancing proactivity, fortifying security measures, and optimizing IT assets, proactive maintenance serves as a foundation for improved business productivity and competitiveness. Rather than waiting for IT issues to disrupt operations, businesses that embrace proactive maintenance are better equipped to navigate the evolving technological landscape, capitalize on new opportunities, and provide seamless experiences for their customers. As the adage goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and in the realm of IT, this couldn’t be truer.